Effective, but how many risks and side effects do your customers accept for it?
- Handling hazardous chemicals
- Danger of overdose
- Skin irritations and allergies
- Watering eyes
- annoying chlorine smell
- Corrosion on components
The UV ionizer operates at 230 volts and consists of a UV reactor, a transparent ionizing chamber, an integrated computer with an illuminated, multi-line display and a temperature sensor. All components are pre-assembled on a mounting plate.
The dimensions of the base plate are W/H 55 x 105 cm. The total weight is 20 kg. The UV Ionizer is ready to plug in and only needs to be mounted vertically on the wall or a suitable rack. Optionally, a pH measuring and regulation unit is offered, which is attached to the base plate and electrically connected.
The sophisticated electronics of UVion takes over the complex control of all processes of the pool operation and outputs notices and measurement data in plain text in the preconfigured national language. Pump control integration allows you to set up to three different cleaning cycles.
Parallel to the UV lamp, the ionization switches on, whereby free ions are released into the water. Due to a constant polarity change, the electrodes are consumed evenly. Their durability depends on the use, similar to the UV lamp, and lasts 2-3 bathing seasons.
In addition, the ionizing current in the “UV Ionizer” is regulated depending on the water temperature. This means that at higher water temperature and high germ growth, more ions are released than at lower water temperature.
This automatic control of process-dependent parameters is a competitive advantage of UVion’s technology, because it counteracts over- or underdosing with ions. If an error is signaled at the electronic control unit, you can read out possible errors directly via the information in the menu and investigate the corresponding error source. Non-compliance with the pH value is signaled by an error message, as is compliance with the value. For this reason, the pH value is also stored in the menu after the maintenance interval has expired.